Experiencing Garnet Valley Ranch Winery in British Columbia

Published June 7th, 2024

As part of a week-long road trip to help launch British Columbia’s Rainforest to Rockies road trip attraction, I spent some time at Garnet Valley Ranch Winery in the magical Okanagan region.

My host was Craig Pingle and during our time together, I learned the history of the winery, the inspiration behind it, the types of wine they create and what makes it so special.
There’s an accommodation option that has you stay on-site in an Air Stream trailer!

They pride themselves on creating and sharing authentic experiences for guests, whether they’re local or visitors and after a tour of the property, they definitely deliver on this.

Garnet Valley Ranch Winery is truly is a special Canadian destination and when you’re in this part of Canada, you should certainly add this to your itinerary, even if it’s for a tasting, it’s absolutely worth filling your glass.

Craig was kind enough to agree to an on-camera interview on short notice, where he dives into the winery, property and much more.

Click here to plan your visit to the Garnet Valley Ranch Winery.
Click here to experience other wonderful attractions in the Okanagan region.